Diana Green
Art inspired by trees. and their landscapes using natural earth pigments collected and processed by Diana
Diana is an artist whose work focuses around a love and reverence for trees and their respective environments. Bases at Haarlem Mill in Wirksworth, she creates powerful yet ethereal portraits, creating connection between herself, trees and the land through use of natural pigments gathered and processed herself into paint and inks.
Her paintings are both a collaboration with and an honouring to , nature and are heavily influenced by folklore, treelore and mythology. With a special focus on veteran and twisty trees, mainly found in Derbyshire on her walks, as she travels further afield, more of our UK trees will feature in her works, along with any new pigment colours found. Diana hopes to inspire a reverence for trees through her portraits, highlighting the importance they have for us and the eco system. With this in mind, recycling and reusing is a major importance in her practice.