Membership of Peak District Artisans

We are a professional group of hardworking and enthusiastic artists, designer-makers and artisans based in and around the Peak District. Our aim is to promote and sell beautiful works of art and products that are created in the Peak District.

As artists we gain from being part of a collective of like-minded people from a variety of genres. We have the opportunity to show our work in prestigious venues, often unavailable to us as individuals, and we can rely on each other to show beautifully presented, quality work.

To be a member of Peak District Artisans opens doors. The group is known not only for professionalism and high standards but also for reliability and trustworthiness. Invitations are often extended to members to give talks, workshops or demonstrations with the sure knowledge that we will provide a quality service. Showing our work at PDA organised events increases our own profiles and galleries in the area immediately recognise that PDA members offer the high standard of work they are seeking.

We have a widely distributed annual full colour brochure, a popular website and active social media presence, promoting individual and collective activities. In addition each group event is well advertised in local newspapers & magazines along with to banners, posters & flyers.

PDA is a thriving community of makers whose success depends upon its members volunteering their time, expertise and goodwill for the benefit of the organisation. A lively and dedicated committee share the responsibilities for group publicity, finance, organising social media activity and membership matters. However, there is an expectation that ever member will volunteer to help and contribute to the group in the best way that they can.

We are a self-funding organisation the money being raised from membership fees which currently stand at £230 per annum or 3 spread payments of £82. The membership fee covers the cost of the full colour printed brochure, the PDA website and the professional support of experts where necessary. There are additional costs for stands at our public events

Join PDA

Applicants must currently be producing high quality work in either 2D or 3D (sorry, no film, video or installation work) and live or work within the Peak District tourism area as defined by Visit Peak District Tourism area map (click here to view map pdf download)

Applications are thoroughly reviewed by a membership group representing a cross section of genres. Potential members are invited to interview where we apply carefully developed assessment criteria which include a unique creative response, development of ideas, presentation & skill, and professional & business experience. The interview is an opportunity for candidates to present their work and discuss membership of PDA. Successful applicants are selected for their outstanding creative works of art or hand-crafted artefacts, reflecting unique skills and creativity.

Please feel free to get in touch via our contact form (Membership Enquiry) if you would to discuss any aspect of our selection process.

We have three interview panels each year, in February, May and October. Applicants must be available to attend a day time interview in Cromford on the date specified and applications must be submitted by 8pm on the deadline date. 

Interview date: Friday 28th February 2025   –   Application deadline 2nd February 2025

Interview date: Friday 30th May 2025  –  Application deadline 2nd May 2025

Interview date: Friday 31st October 2025   –  Application deadline 2nd October 2025

Application Form

More detail on selection criteria can be found here (pdf download)