Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a Trinidadian Painter now living in the UK, who works in acrylic on canvas, experimenting with resist techniques to create texture, pattern and movement, usually utilising the human figure within a semi-abstract vein.
Sarah is a Trinidadian painter who works in acrylic on canvas and her work is typically inspired by the cultural expressions and everyday activities around her. Early in her career, after living in the US to gain her BFA in painting, she returned home and was immediately drawn to the many indigenous festivals that flourish side by side in Trinidad & Tobago’s diverse multicultural society, and she depicted these as well as scenes of everyday life in either watercolour or acrylic on canvas. Over the years, as she began to develop her artistic voice, she chose acrylic as her vehicle and her mode of expression became increasingly semi-abstract. Having mounted several solo shows since then in Trinidad and the wider Caribbean, she now feels a certain freedom in my expression which is leading her down an ever more abstract path. She credits the drastic change of environment that came from moving to the UK in 2019 with energizing her work greatly. The changing of the seasons, the contrasting flora and fauna and even the different quality of light, have all influenced her current work significantly. She looks forward with enthusiasm to the next stage of her artistic journey.